Monday, 2 March 2009

Full Django Serializers - Part II

In the first part of this article I covered the excludes and extras options to the Wad of Stuff serializer. In this article I introduce the relations option.


The Wad of Stuff serializers allow you to follow and serialize related fields of a model to any depth you wish. This is why it is considered a "full serializer" as opposed to Django's built-in serializers that only return the related fields primary key value.

When using the relations argument to the serializer you may specify either a list of fields to be serialized or a dictionary of key/value pairs. The dictionary keys are the field names of the related fields to be serialized and the values are the arguments to pass to the serializer when processing that related field.

This first example shows the simplest way of serializing a related field. The Group model has a ManyToManyField to the Permission model. In this case there is only one permission but if there were more then each would be serialized.
>>> print serializers.serialize('json', Group.objects.all(), indent=4, relations=('permissions',))
"pk": 2,
"model": "",
"fields": {
"name": "session",
"permissions": [
"pk": 19,
"model": "auth.permission",
"fields": {
"codename": "add_session",
"name": "Can add session",
"content_type": 7
The simple case may be all you need but if you want more control over exactly which fields or extras are included, excluded, and the depth of relations to follow then you need to pass a dictionary in the relations option. This dictionary is a series of nested dictionaries that are unrolled and passed as arguments when serializing each related field.
>>> print serializers.serialize('json', Group.objects.all(), indent=4, relations={'permissions':{'fields':('codename',)}})
"pk": 2,
"model": "",
"fields": {
"name": "session",
"permissions": [
"pk": 19,
"model": "auth.permission",
"fields": {
"codename": "add_session"
The relations option in this example roughly translates to a call to serialize('json', permissions_queryset, fields=('codename',)) when the permissions field is serialized.

Serializing deeper relations

The power of the relations option becomes obvious when you see it in action serializing related fields that are 2 or more levels deep. Below the content_type ForeignKey field on the Permission model is also serialized.
>>> print serializers.serialize('json', Group.objects.all(), indent=4, relations={'permissions':{'relations':('content_type',)}})
"pk": 2,
"model": "",
"fields": {
"name": "session",
"permissions": [
"pk": 19,
"model": "auth.permission",
"fields": {
"codename": "add_session",
"name": "Can add session",
"content_type": {
"pk": 7,
"model": "contenttypes.contenttype",
"fields": {
"model": "session",
"name": "session",
"app_label": "sessions"

Combining options

You may also combine the other options when serializing related fields. In the example below I am excluding the content_type.app_label field from being serialized.
>>> print serializers.serialize('json', Group.objects.all(), indent=4, relations={'permissions':{'relations':{'content_type':{'excludes':('app_label',)}}}})
"pk": 2,
"model": "",
"fields": {
"name": "session",
"permissions": [
"pk": 19,
"model": "auth.permission",
"fields": {
"codename": "add_session",
"name": "Can add session",
"content_type": {
"pk": 7,
"model": "contenttypes.contenttype",
"fields": {
"model": "session",
"name": "session"
That wraps up this series of articles. Head over to Wad of Stuff at Google Code to grab the source and don't hesitate to open a ticket if you find any bugs or have any enhancement requests.