My ultimate goal was to reduce steps 1 through 5 and selecting from the build menu to a single interaction such as entering the jumpstart client details into a web page or a configuration file. To eliminate the build menu I had to find a way to inform the client which build it was to install onto itself. The
file doesn't allow custom parameters to be passed to the client. So after some research and experimentation I switched to DHCP with my own custom client options.I started by working out the minimum amount of information a client required. I settled on the following DHCP option definitions in
format:JSBuild SITE, 128, ASCII, 1, 0, sdmi
JSRevision SITE, 130, ASCII, 1, 0, sdmi
JSOSVersion SITE, 131, ASCII, 1, 0, sdmi
- JSBuild
- A single word such as FIREWALL, DNS, WEBSERVER etc.
- JSRevision
- The version of the jumpstart environment. I have all of my finish scripts and configurations under source control using subversion. This option is so that I can build hosts from a specific version of my jumpstart environment.
- JSOSVersion
- The OS version e.g. Solaris_8, Solaris_9, Solaris_10.
These new DHCP options were added to the dhcp inittab in the OS install miniroot:
'/sbin/dhcpinfo JSBuild'
or '/sbin/dhcpinfo 128'
in my begin script.I chose the ISC DHCPD for my DHCP server as it is extremely easy to configure and very flexible. The
# DHCP Configuration
pid-file-name "/var/run/";
lease-file-name "/srv/dhcp/dhcpd.leases";
ping-check true;
ddns-update-style none;
default-lease-time 86400;
max-lease-time 86400;
# MY Custom Options
option space MY;
option MY.jumpstart-build code 128 = text;
option MY.jumpstart-revision code 130 = text;
option MY.jumpstart-osversion code 131 = text;
# SUN's Jumpstart DHCP Vendor options
option space SUNW;
option SUNW.root-mount-options code 1 = text;
option SUNW.root-server-address code 2 = ip-address;
option SUNW.root-server-hostname code 3 = text;
option SUNW.root-path-name code 4 = text;
option SUNW.swap-server-address code 5 = ip-address;
option SUNW.swap-file-path code 6 = text;
option SUNW.boot-file-path code 7 = text;
option SUNW.posix-timezone-string code 8 = text;
option SUNW.boot-read-size code 9 = unsigned integer 16;
option SUNW.install-server-address code 10 = ip-address;
option SUNW.install-server-hostname code 11 = text;
option SUNW.install-path code 12 = text;
option SUNW.sysidcfg-path code 13 = text;
option SUNW.jumpstart-cfg-path code 14 = text;
option SUNW.terminal-type code 15 = text;
option SUNW.boot-uri code 16 = text;
option SUNW.http-proxy code 17 = text;
subnet netmask {
deny unknown-clients;
next-server jumpserver;
server-name "jumpserver";
option tftp-server-name "jumpserver";
option domain-name "";
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers,;
option ntp-servers,;
option SUNW.root-server-address jumpserver;
option SUNW.root-server-hostname "jumpserver";
option SUNW.posix-timezone-string "Australia/NSW";
# default OS is Solaris 10
option MY.jumpstart-osversion "Solaris_10";
# Solaris
class "SUNW" {
match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 4) = "SUNW";
# Serve the correct inetboot file to sun4v hardware platforms.
# Note: T2000 is actually SUNW.Sun-Fire-T200
if option vendor-class-identifier = "SUNW.Sun-Fire-T1000" or
option vendor-class-identifier = "SUNW.Sun-Fire-T200" {
filename = concat ("inetboot.SUN4V.",
config-option MY.jumpstart-osversion, "-1");
} else {
filename = concat ("inetboot.SUN4U.",
config-option MY.jumpstart-osversion, "-1");
option dhcp-parameter-request-list 1,3,6,12,15,42,43,128,129,130;
site-option-space "MY";
vendor-option-space SUNW;
option SUNW.terminal-type "vt100";
option SUNW.root-mount-options "rsize=32768";
option SUNW.install-path = concat("/srv/install/OS/",
config-option MY.jumpstart-osversion);
option SUNW.install-server-address = config-option SUNW.root-server-address;
option SUNW.install-server-hostname = config-option SUNW.root-server-hostname;
# the path to the miniroot
option SUNW.root-path-name = concat(config-option SUNW.install-path,
"/", config-option MY.jumpstart-osversion, "/Tools/Boot");
# the path to correct the version of the jumpstart scripts
option SUNW.jumpstart-cfg-path = concat(config-option SUNW.root-server-hostname,
":/srv/jass/", config-option MY.jumpstart-revision);
# the path to the OS specific sysidcfg file
option SUNW.sysidcfg-path = concat(config-option SUNW.jumpstart-cfg-path,
"/Sysidcfg/", config-option MY.jumpstart-osversion);
# there is always a symlink in /srv/jass to the latest release.
option MY.jumpstart-revision "latest";
# Solaris host declarations
include "/srv/dhcp/hosts/solaris";
host testfw01 {
hardware ethernet 8:0:20:ab:cd:e1;
option MY.jumpstart-build "FIREWALL";
option MY.jumpstart-revision "2.555";
option MY.jumpstart-osversion "Solaris_9";
Now on the client I can drop down to the
prompt and type:ok boot net:dhcp -s
# /sbin/dhcpinfo JSBuild
# /sbin/dhcpinfo JSRevision